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Become a Visceral Wall Instructor

100% Online Course

The PILATESwiss® Visceral Method is the highest quality preventative Wall Education available. It has been developed, fined tuned and tested over the past 20 years, supported by an advisory board of independent medical experts. Our long history and experience is constantly being up-dated and augmented in relation to current scientific research.

PILATESwiss® is internationally recognized and active in 16 countries around the world. You can attend our Wall Board Certification online and build your skills to offer Wall Board Training in PILATESwiss Visceral Approach to local muscle recruitment for your work with your clients wherever you are in the world. Our 32 chapter Visceral Wall Board teacher training program not only teaches you the principles of Visceral Pilates, Functional Visceral Training on the Wall Board, and Visceral Yoga, but is a video library of exercises, and workouts to help you get strong and confident in your in your journey to build your own Visceral Wall business. PILATESwiss’ user-friendly program is made of different building blocks that you complete at your own speed.

The online 32 chapter Visceral Wall Board Certification teacher-training program runs continuously and allows students to start at any time.

12 hours class attendance at our online academy. PILATESwiss class attendance/coaching is a mix of lectures on Visceral anatomy, classes on the Wall Board to gain strength and confidence while working out on the Wall Board and in the Visceral style. They are an excellent library of exercises about the technical teaching and  use of Wall Board equipment, all of which are  intended to immerse you in the Wall Board class teaching  environment so that you experience all aspects of setting up your business.

In order to obtain the online Visceral Wall Certification  you need to do the entire Visceral Wall online Program.

    Anticipated investment of offline practice.

    30 hours self-study/practice, watching content, which are always directly related to a workshop’s content is what we anticipate and recommend. That is what students usually do in addition to watching this online workshop to get confident in teaching Wall Sessions.  These hours are not included or calculated as part of the program but what you will need to invest to get proficient with the Visceral Wall Board product and program. Students do these hours at home after or during the individual workshops.

    1-5 hours is what we feel the multiple choice tests will require of you.

    Visceral Wall Training in the style of PILATESwiss®

    You will learn a flowing dynamic yet challenging style of PILATESwiss Visceral Wall classes. The modern focus is on alignment and activation of the core or local muscles as defined by the Visceral concept of PILATESwiss®. PILATESwiss online training program is an intense and enriching journey for you to master. Our online academy offers you everything you need to become an excellent teacher and empower you to find your voice.
    You will learn specific Pilates and Yoga Visceral anatomy to understand how and when a muscle is activated and then transfer this knowledge to teach on most Wall Board equipment on the market. In the methodology part of our teacher-training our PILATESwiss teaching tool will help you to develop your own personal style and the confidence to teach carefully and with a foundation of knowledge.

    The online academy has a resource center area for our online members with interviews with medical professionals, studies and findings of research,

    testimonials both written and recorded as well as our shop for our Swiss Students to get Wall Equipment made in collaboration with a Swiss program for people with disadvantages.

    There is no time like the present to join the PILATESwiss online academy, get Wall board Certified with us and join the Visceral Revolution.

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